wasapi vs asio

just wondering if anyone having any success using (WASAPI DRIVERS) and also tell us what you like about the wasapi driver and should i use ...

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  • Kernel Streaming vs. WASAPI 以及 ssrc x的使用(在foobar2000 上) 訂閱主題 友善列印 版面鎖定 無圖示 joetliu 文章人氣: 4...
    行動影音 - Kernel Streaming vs. WASAPI 以及 ssrc x的使用(在 ...
  • Visual Studio Visual Studio Visual Studio IDE Visual Studio Team Services Visual Studio Co...
    About WASAPI (Windows)
  • It is not my intention to open a can of worms but just the other day I downloaded the AIMP...
    ASIO vs WASAPI vs DirectSound - TR Forums - The Tech Report
  • INTERACT FORUM > More > Old Versions > JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows > AS...
    ASIO vs. WASAPI (WASAPI performs "better" with ...
  • just wondering if anyone having any success using (WASAPI DRIVERS) and also tell us what y...
    ASIO vs. WASAPI | Cakewalk Forums
  • Media Center supports a variety of different Audio Output Modes: Windows Direct Sound WASA...
    Audio Output Modes - JRiverWiki - JRiver Media Center
  • After reading many of the posts on this forum, it appears that there is no evidence that A...
    Directsound vs WASAPI vs ASIO - Hydrogenaudio
  • After reading many of the posts on this forum, it appears that there is no evidence that A...
    Directsound vs WASAPI vs ASIO - Hydrogenaudio Forums ...
  • I am just curious as to what everyone uses and if anyone notices a real difference between...
    DirectSound vs. WASAPI vs. ASIO | [H]ard|Forum
  • Uwants.com WASAPI + 獨佔模式 + MMCSS vs. ASIO 其實可以取代到 ASIO 未? 聽講以往 win XP/2003 或以前, audio sign...
    WASAPI + 獨佔模式 + MMCSS vs. ASIO - 夾Band園地 - Uwants.com ...
  • Changing the asio buffers makes no difference, and none of the ... In the processs of trou...
    Wasapi vs asio drivers? | Cakewalk Forums
  • There was a time when windows sound drivers sucked. Big time. That's the reason why AS...
    WASAPI vs ASIO vs Directsound : headphones
  • So what's the huge advantage in running wasapi or asio over native windows drivers? Su...
    WASAPI vs ASIO vs Directsound : headphones - Reddit
  • 2017年1月17日 - Hi, I'm using an OPPO HA-2SE DAC via Jriver. Was wondering if anyone&#39...
    WASAPI vs ASIO vs Kernel Streaming | Head-Fi.org
  • as i understand it, wasapi is also a 'layer" that utilises the WDM driver ... (i ...
    WASAPI vs ASIO4ALL | Cakewalk Forums
  • Hey there, As the title says, which do you use, can you detect any difference, and why do ...
    WASAPI vs. ASIO : Which do you use & why?
  • ASIO because I usually do other stuff while I'm listening to music, some of which invo...
    WASAPI vs. ASIO : Which do you use & why? - Overclock.net
  • wasapi. It may be psychological or simply due to the lack of other sounds barging into my ...
    WASAPI vs. ASIO : Which do you use & why? - Page 2 - Overclock.net
  • Note: this article only applies to Windows (specifically Windows 7 and above) The general ...
    Windows: should you use DirectSound(default), WASAPI or ASIO ...
  • 2009年11月16日 - 大家認為邊個好? [ 本帖最後由Yahoo! 於2009-11-16 14:02 編輯 ]
    係Win 7 用Asio 定Wasapi 黎聽歌好?? - 影音領域- 電腦領域HKEPC ...
  • Kernel Streaming vs. WASAPI 以及 ssrc x的使用(在foobar2000 上) 訂閱主題 友善列印 版面鎖定 無圖示 joetliu 文章人氣: 4...
    行動影音 - Kernel Streaming vs. WASAPI 以及 ssrc x的使用(在 ...
  • Visual Studio Visual Studio Visual Studio IDE Visual Studio Team Services Visual Studio Co...
    About WASAPI (Windows)